Welcome to PestXterminators

  • 119 Gail St Cambridge, ON N1R 7P8
  • |
  • 226-218-1733

Antony Redest

Antony Redest

Director of Quality Systems

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Commercial Pest Control
Construction Pest Control
Domesctic Pest Control
Commercial Insect Control

Happy Clients About Us

Saeed offers great service. Very professional and knowledgeable also provides timely and helpful tips!

Rifad Pradhan

Service was really good. I really appreciated it. Especially, as a landlord Saeed understood my situation and given me earliest apointment. The exterminator explained the pesticide materials that will be using before the treatment date. Overall, the service was excellent.

Krisha S

Mr Qureshy did a great job of treating cockroaches problem in our house at a reasonable price.He is very knowledgeable and patiently answered all my questions regarding safety. I would highly recommend his services.

Aman Dhaliwal